Backup Solution for OpenStack Hypervisor
OpenStack is a software solution which is gaining popularity with rapid speed. It is an open source solution due to which small and medium businesses are heading towards OpenStack to be implemented in their data centers. Thereby with Vembu, SMB’s can now protect their data also in OpenStack environment. Vembu provides Backup and Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions with its wide range of products using which, the data can be backed up from OpenStack environment.
VM-Level Backup Solution
Vembu offers ImageBackup agent for the virtual machines running on Windows OS. The agent has to be installed on each Windows VM to backup the virtual machine including the OS, Application and data.
Full VM Backup – The entire VM can be protected along with its OS, application and data running on any hypervisor irrespective of the environment. All this on a single go to ensure business continuity
Changed Block Tracking – The proprietary Vembu CBT Driver is employed in the backup process for efficient block level incrementals
Automated Backup Verification – The backed up VMs will be booted automatically and their screenshot will be captured and emailed to the administrator
Quick VM Recovery – Your backed up VMs in VMware, Hyper-V, and KVM can be Recovered instantly without restoring the entire Virtual Machine data
Full VM Recovery – Recover the backed up Virtual Machines permanently to the same or different hypervisor
VM Migration (P2V and V2V) – Vembu helps in migration of VMs from other hypervisors to VMware, Hyper-V, KVM and vice versa
Application-aware VM Backups – Application aware process is enabled fundamentally during the backup of highly transactional Applications (Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint and Active Directory). It enables the application specific VSS writers to take consistent snapshots during the backup also letting the log files to be truncated at the end of backup
Retention Policies – The multiple recovery points are merged with the use of Basic and Advanced (GFS) retention policies which will reduce the time taken to restore the backed up VMs
Offsite Backup Copy – Redundant copies of your backed up data can be replicated to your own offsite data center or to Vembu cloud for disaster recovery and data redundancy purposes
Instant File Recovery – Individual files and folders of your backed up data can recovered instantly avoiding entire VM data restore
Vembu Universal Recovery – Instantly recover individual application items from Microsoft Applications such as Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint and Active Directory
Guest-level Backup Solution
Vembu offers NetworkBackup agent to backup individual files, folders and applications from Windows, Linux and Mac VMs.
File-level Backup – Supports file backup on all flavors of Windows, Linux and Mac machines. Also, supports preconfigured folders, such as My Documents, My Photos, Desktop, Browsers and etc
Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Backup – Vembu Exchange Mailbox Plugin backs up the user’s mailboxes. It can backup at a folder level. You can backup all the data of a particular user (mailbox) or you can backup just a folder (like for example the inbox of a user) or you could backup a sub-folder (like for example, a sub-folder in the inbox)
Microsoft SQL Server Backup – Vembu SQL Server backup is a flexible and efficient option to backup Microsoft SQL servers. Vembu uses VDI API to backup database(s) and then uploads the locally dumped file to the BDR backup server
MySQL Database Backups – Vembu supports backup of MySQL database(s) from Windows and Linux machines
Microsoft Exchange Server Backup – Supports backup of Microsoft Exchange servers using Exchange Server Plugin. The Microsoft Exchange Server Plugin backup uses the VSS API [Volume Shadow Copy Services] for all Microsoft Exchange Server versions. Vembu allows direct upload without dumping the data locally
Microsoft SharePoint Backup – Vembu provides the site-collection level backup of Microsoft SharePoint Servers. Vembu uses internal SharePoint dump utility to dump the SharePoint site-collection(s) and then uploads the locally dumped file(s) to the BDR backup server
Microsoft Outlook Backup – Vembu backup the emails configured in the Outlook profile. All the emails and rules at folder level are backed up to the BDR backup server