Backup Solution for VMware vSphere

VMware vSphere helps data centers to reduce the resource utilization and IT budget by virtualizing the hardware, network, and storage. So, many organizations are moving towards VMware vSphere to reduce the cost and resource on managing the data center without compromising on the business continuity. Though vSphere has inbuilt snapshot functionality for the VMs, it is not a complete backup solution as just snapshots alone cannot guarantee consistent backups with recovery points for months or years. Also, backing up vSphere virtual machines by using any third party software or hardware vendors are typically more expensive and difficult to manage.

Vembu VMBackup is the most cost effective Backup and Disaster Recovery software which offers backup and replication for VMware vSphere at an affordable price point.


  •  Supports vSphere 6.7
  • Agentless VMware Backup and Replication
  • Supports vSAN and VVols
  • Supports SAN and Hot-add transport modes
  • Application-aware image processing
Backup & Recovery
Backup & Recovery

VMware Backup

Vembu VMBackup offers agentless VM backup solution for VMware vSphere by using VMware VADP. With RPO and RTO less than 15 minutes, Vembu VMBackup provides faster VM recovery options which ensure high availability and business continuity. Vembu VMBackup is specifically orchestrated and developed for virtual environments to provide an easy to use product at affordable cost.

Agentless VMware Backup – Eliminates VM level proxy client installation and provides centralized backup management from Vembu BDR backup server

Changed Block Tracking – Efficient block level incremental backup processing using VMware CBT Driver

Retention Policies – Basic and Advanced (GFS) retentions policies helps to merge the multiple recovery points and reduces the time taken to restore the backed up VMs

Automated Backup Verification – VMBackup automatically boots the backed up VMs and the screenshot of the boot screen will be captured and emailed to the administrator

Quick VM Recovery – Recover the backed up VMs instantly in VMware, Hyper-V, and KVM without restoring the entire VM data

Full VM Recovery – Recover the backed up VMs permanently to the same or different ESXi host or vCenter Server

Vembu Universal Recovery – Instantly recover individual application items from Microsoft Applications such as Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint and Active Directory

VMware Hot-Add and SAN transport mode – Vembu VMBackup provides fast, secure and LAN-free data transfer using VMware transport modes

Application-aware VM Backups – Uses application specific VSS writers to take consistent snapshots during the backup of highly transactional applications (Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint and Active Directory) and log files are truncated at the end of backup

Compression & Encryption – The backed up VM data are encrypted and compressed before storing it on the backup targets to reduce the storage needs

Offsite Backup Copy – Replicate redundant copy of backup data to your own offsite data center or to Vembu Cloud for data redundancy and disaster recovery purpose

Instant File Recovery – Recover individual files and folders instantly from backed up VM without restoring the entire VM data

Disk Level Recovery – Specific disk(s) can be recovered to same and different VM

VMware Migration (P2V and V2V) – VMBackup helps to migrate physical machines and VMs running in Hyper-V to VMware and vice versa

VMware Replication

VM Replication helps to replicate the business critical VMs from one ESXi host to another host. So, the replicated VM will be in standby mode on the target ESXi host. During a disaster, the replicated VM can be failover on the target host and it will handle the production load. Also, you can permanently failback the failover VM to any ESXi host.

Agentless VMware BackupVMware VM data can be replicated from source ESXi host to target host without the need of installing proxies in Host or VM

Replica Failover – Replica data can be recovered to different target or rolled back to the same source

Permanent Failover – In case the source machine is not recoverable after a disaster or you want to continue business operations with the replica VM itself, then you can use permanent failover option

Undo Failback – Helps to revert back the failed VMs back to its original state (ie., failover state). The VM snapshot created after failback process will be terminated and the VM will be reverted to failover state

Network and IP remapping – Automatically map production host network and IP address with the DR host network to avoid manual work during replica failover

Undo Failover – Undo Failover is a process of reverting back the replica to its original state before failing over replica VM

Replica Failback – If you want to resume the source VM operation after disaster recovery and shift the production load back to the source VM or ESXi host, you can use replica failback feature

Commit Failback – If the failed back VM is recovered properly and running without any performance issue as expected, then we can confirm the failback by committing it. Commit Failback is the confirmation process of failback

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